Mr Joe Leech

Convert Markdown into a Word Document

I write everything in Markdown but needed a way to produce Word documents for the old skool.

I love Markdown, the handy, simple way to format plain text.

I write pretty much everything in Markdown from emails to user research notes to reports, I even wrote my book in Markdown.

While it is a great format the business world is still firmly wedded to Microsoft Word. I’d been searching for a way of converting from Markdown to Word and came across Pandoc.

Pandoc is the “swiss army knife of text conversion” and is a package install that is used through the scary (not really) Terminal. Once installed it’s actually pretty straightforward for folk not used to the terminal. (NB this is for a Mac)

  • Save your Markdown document as to the desktop
  • Open the Terminal, you can find it in Applications » Utilities
  • Enter: cd Desktop to navigate to the Desktop
  • Enter: ls to list your files
  • Enter: pandoc -o output.docx -f markdown -t docx

And hey presto you have a formatted word document.

Update Rian van der Merwe suggested using Marked which seems to do it automatically and costs $13.

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6 replies on “Convert Markdown into a Word Document”

Elena says:

You can simply add a Writage plugin ( to Word and open and edit Markdown documents in Word.

Alexandre says:

Hey Joe!

Your tip was simply perfect! Document is exported with all markings, including Summary tags (so that including a ToC is an AUTOMATIC task).

Thanks so much!

santi says:

very helpful, thanks

FleurLec says:

Awesome ! it heals the pain of writing docx when forced.

Gordon says:

Nice! works for me first time.

Rachel says:

wonderful! thank you.
Very satisfaying

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I’m mr Joe Leech and I coach CEOs so they and their businesses thrive.

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